

Tuesday + Thursday Mornings
9:15 - 10:20 am ET
| Live in-studio BTB 604 Valley Road
(email me or drop-in)

Friday Mornings
6 - 7 am ET
| Live in-studio JaiPure Yoga 575 Bloomfield Ave
(register here or email me)

6:30 - 7:15 am ET | Live streaming class
(hosted by Kula Yoga Project)
7:45 - 8:45 pm ET | Live streaming class
(register below)

Day/Time : Tuesdays + Thursdays 9:15-10:20AM
Where : 604 Valley Road, Upper Montclair
(Beyond the Boogie Dance Studio, above Jackie’s)
Exchange** : $25 Venmo @magi-pierce, zelle, or cash
Registration: Click above or email yogawithmagi@gmail.com
Mats: *Please bring your own yoga mat (I provide all other props)
Updates: Follow me on instagram @magipierce or visit magipierce.com for changes and new class reminders.

** The accessibility of yoga classes is important to me. If you can pay the full rate please do, it supports me and our community. A sliding scale is available as needed- email for more information


Class: Uncomfortable times call for uncomfortable measures- let’s bring the known into the unknown together. This is an all-levels practice. There will be breath, movement, and good orderly direction.
Props: All you need is a yoga mat, (or yoga mat sized space), something to sit on, and if you have a block or yoga belt have that nearby.
Class is offered on a sliding scale- $0-25 pay what you can. Venmo @magi-pierce or here to use a credit card. **Please note credit card fees are HIGH on my end so if possible use venmo or paypal!
Access: please register above or email me here. If possible, register >30 minutes prior so I can assemble the email with the class link and information. If you’re joining last minute, I will do my best to accommodate and send you the information.